Duties of the Treasurer

From the LA ACM SIGGRAPH Chapter By-Laws: The Treasurer is the Chief Financial Officer of the Chapter. Duties of the Treasurer include:

  1. Managing the finances of the Chapter according to the policies and procedures of the ACM, including paying all bills and preparing budgets for each Chapter committee.
  2. Keeping full and accurate accounts of receipts and expenditures of the Chapter.
  3. Prior to disbursing funds, the Treasurer will verify that all requests for payment are authorized in the Chapter’s budget and approved by the Committee Chair or Executive Council.
  4. Completing and submitting the Annual Financial Report to ACM Headquarters.
  5. Maintain membership lists.
  6. Process membership applications and renewals.
  7. Assist the Chair in the management of the Chapter.
  8. Perform other duties as assigned by the Chair.