Michael Daut

Michael Daut is an immersive media specialist, working as an independent writer/producer/director in Los Angeles, CA. Michael brings a wealth of experience within the giant screen cinema and digital fulldome industries. He is an award-winning writer, producer, and director for fulldome videos, theatrical productions, music videos, live concert videos, commercials, documentaries, corporate videos, and trade show presentations. He most recently served as the Director of New Business Development for Mousetrappe, an experience design and production studio in Burbank. Previously he worked for over 20 years at Evans & Sutherland, where he was instrumental in acquiring numerous large accounts, expanding the product line, and developing a library of shows for the digital fulldome community. Michael’s current clients include K2 Studios, a giant screen film production and distribution company, and Moodswings, LLC, creators of the visual music show Mesmerica, currently playing in digital dome theaters across North America. Michael is a member of the Producer's Guild of America, the Themed Entertainment Association, a founding member of the Association of Fulldome Innovators, a member of the Telly Awards' Silver Council, a board member of the Giant Screen Cinema Association, and a board member of IMERSA.org, the Immersive Media Entertainment, Research, Science and Arts organization dedicated to raising the visibility of immersive media across a variety of disciplines throughout the world.