Careers in Digital Media 2022

What is the outlook for careers across the digital media spectrum – from artists to technical directors to producers in VR, games, motion design, film and other media "yet to be invented"? Hear and question a panel of hiring managers and veteran recruiters share the inside scoop on where the jobs are … and where they aren’t

Tuesday, 8 March 2022
Virtual Event
Assistant Chair, Digital Media Department
Otis College of Art and Design

This annual event features speakers involved in hiring and placement in the digital content creation and storytelling fields. The prior years panels have been very successful.


6:30 - Start
6:31 - Chapter Introduction
6:35 - Panelists Intro and Discussion
8:00 - Audience Q&A
8:30 - All done


This is a free Zoom event. You must register with Zoom to get access to the event.

This event is open and free to everyone. You must register through Zoom to get access to this Webinar. We always appreciate a donation or Chapter Membership to help cover our expenses.

You may Join the chapter for $40/year or Donate for any amount. We accept online payments through PayPal.

Special Thanks

Otis College of Art and Design, Kathleen Milnes, the presenters, and all members of the Executive Council of the LA chapter of ACM SIGGRAPH.