2020-2021 Planning Meeting

Plan the 2020-2021 LA ACM SIGGRAPH schedule. Our events just don't happen - it takes a lot of planning. We end our 2019-2020 season with an Executive Council Planning meeting for the 2020-2021 season. See the event for information for attending this Zoom virtual meeting.

Tuesday, 16 June 2020
Virtual Event

Every year the new and old Executive Council gets together to plan events for our next season. The success of a season depends a lot on this meeting. We invite anyone who wishes to contribute to the meeting either with event ideas or volunteer time. The meeting will be on the 3rd Tuesday, June 16 on ZOOM. You can access the meeting through Zoom starting shortly before 7:00 -- https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84490064140?pwd=akRjRU02a3NzUUttNmQ4RVBEVWxOZ…. The meeting information is also available through Meetup.

The incoming Chair provides a theme and we develop and identify the ideas for our next season. We are looking for people with ideas for event and people who are willing to volunteer to make the ideas happen. RSVPs are required for this virtual event. This meeting is open to all members of the Chapter and interested people in the community. We want people with event ideas to attend and contribute. To help us manage the ideas, please submit them on the contact page or send an email to los-angeles-chapter [AT] siggraph [DOT] org. Please include as many items in the list below as you can:

  • Your name (required)
  • Your email (not really required, but we may need to reach you)
  • Your phone # (not really required, but we may need to reach you)
  • Idea title or topic (required)
  • Idea description (required)
  • Date restrictions (e.g., movie release date, gallery opening, etc.)
  • Month preferred choice (events are generally 2nd Tuesday)
  • Producer (ideas with producers are more likely to happen)
  • Possible venue (most likely all events through Dec 2020 will be virtual)

We are also interested in people who want to volunteer. There are a lot of opportunities. Come by and see what will fit your abilities and needs.


7:00-7:30 -- Close out 2020 Season
7:30-9:30 -- Plan 2021


Everyone is admitted free of charge. Los Angeles Professional Chapter of ACM SIGGRAPH actively encourages people from all backgrounds to supply and discuss ideas for events.

Special Thanks

The Executive Council, and all the volunteers.