Andrea Foenander

Curator / Historian

Andrea Foenander is a writer and artist originating from Essex, England, and has since relocated more than forty kilometers to become a writer and artist based in London. During this time she has earned a BA degree in Fine Art Sculpture from University of the Arts London in 2012 and an MA degree in Critical Writing in Art and Design from the Royal College of Art in 2014. Her studio practice addressed concerns toward mass media and ‘information overload. Since this she has written critically for exhibitions at CAMP and TAF in Athens, historically for Guest House in Kettles Yard gallery Cambridge, and prose for As is the Sea: An Anthology. Her writing practice is concerned with technology and visual media, currently assembling an Anthology on Computer Art history. In 2013 she conducted research with the assistance of EZTV to produce an extended essay on the LA Art 1990 exhibition at EZTV.